Withings measures your blood pressure!
Withings, the French company now offers a pressure meter that can be connected to IOS systems, such as iphone, iPad, and iPod touch, with a regular online follow up. Nowadays, about 25% of the worldwide population suffers from blood hyper pressure. Since several years, the medical staff advises the pressure individual measurement, yet this is…
Google doc on Android
Google is offering, since April 28th, an « official » Android application for its services of on-line office automation. Soberly baptized Docs, the program allows you to visualize or to edit your documents stored in Google Docs. Once installed, the application – only available in English at the moment – downloads at once the list of all…
Kinetically Charged Cell Phone
Nowadays, cell phone is almost become an indispensable part of human life. Many people referred their cell phone as their organ. However, one of the cell phone limitations is its limited battery life. It need to be recharged often, the recharging must be done via an adapter and then plug it into the power outlet…
Recharge your mobile via a photovoltaic film on the screen
A French start-up won first prize in mobile innovation at the CTIA Wireless conference which took place in the end of March in Orlando Florida, for the invention of a photovoltaic film for mobile phones, ( although the technique can also be applied to LCD screens, digital tablets, technical textiles and outdoor displays). Rewarded in…
Could nanotechnology become the next technology to revolutionize the mobile phone industry?
Could nanotechnology become the next technology to revolutionize the mobile phone industry? The mobile telephony is changing rapidly. We just have to look around and see how far the technology has gained representation touch in our day to day. Launched at the exhibition of the Museum of Modern Art « Design and the Elastic Mind », the…
Why do Apple devices keep a log of your location? And why didn’t they tell you?
According to recent reports published in differents media, for example in « The guardian » a British’s newspaper; and public denounces in the Congress of EEUU, Apple devices keep a record of where you have been using them. In addition to the violation of privacy and the risk posed if your iPhone or iPad falls into the…
Mobile apps: mirrors of your personality or reflections of our Society ?
Tell me what you use and I will tell you who you want to be ? Of course… What is interesting about cell phone use is not the technological achievement but what we can learn about people in terms of social behavior. Following the example of social games like Farmville, edited by Zynga, where people…
Mobiles phones or a new way of payment
Very soon traditional wallets and credit cards will be unnecessary to pay for purchases in stores. In fact, experiments in Near Field Communication (NFC) are multiplying in Europe and more precisely in Nice which has been experimenting with a new system for the last year. The trial attempts to turn an iPhone or a smart…
Are mobile phones dangereous for your health ?
Today, mobile phones are part of our daily life and our culture. But last month, a study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association indicated that the use of mobile phones could alter brain activity. The report said it was unclear whether the changes in the brain activity after using the phone for…