Photography is dead, long live mopho!
Ten years ago Evan Nisselson wrote a short illustrated article on his blog entitled, ‘Why will wireless camera phones revolutionize the photography industry?’[1] In the article he says that mobile phone photography offers a totally different mindset, with an inbuilt communicative function of immediate sharing. It reduces the amount of equipment you need to carry…
The cell phone’s paradoxical effects on social relationships
Researcher Rich Ling says in his book New Tech, New Ties « Mobile communication is being used in the pursuit of romance, in the coordination of families, in the exchanging of humor and gossip, and in many other daily situations. In each case, there are ritual forms, there is reliance on co-present understandings, and there is development—and…
Recharge your mobile via a photovoltaic film on the screen
A French start-up won first prize in mobile innovation at the CTIA Wireless conference which took place in the end of March in Orlando Florida, for the invention of a photovoltaic film for mobile phones, ( although the technique can also be applied to LCD screens, digital tablets, technical textiles and outdoor displays). Rewarded in…