Étiquette : jailbreak

  • (jail) break the ice!

    (jail) break the ice!

    On June 11th 2013, Apple will be celebrating the first birthday of its iOS 6 operating system. Is there a better time to take a look at the numbers? What, for example, is current state of affairs between Apple and the jailbreaking community? According to  Jay Freeman – a.k.a. @saurik, creator of Cydia, the main…

  • What is jailbreak ?

    What is jailbreak ?

    The arguments of critics of the iPhone abound, among them, the impression given by the iPhone to users to be caught in the shackles of Apple’s user restrictions. Indeed, the iPhone, and other iDevices, are sold that way for marketing and technical reasons, so the degree of manipulation and customization left to the user is…