Can Computer Software Decode Emotions Over the Phone?

Can Computer Software Decode Emotions Over the Phone? The answer in the past we would rather say no, but today we definitely can say YES!

eXaudios, an Israeli company  has developed computer program that detects emotions during a phone call named Magnify. Not more than two minutes during the cell phone conversation, this new computer program can predict a broken heart unbelievable. This innovative program cannot only predict a caller’s emotional state, but may also diagnose a range of medical conditions.

Recently, the program is used by companies in order to assist company’s customer service agents. In U.S.A. some companies already used this computer program in their call centers. In a call center, the Magnify program will focus on the intonation of customer then suggest various tactics to the customer service agents to handle with the situations.

Different from other existing programs in the market, Magnify monitors a phone call then lists the caller’s emotions on screen in real time where as other software could not. Most of the programs have been used to analyze conversations between a customer service agent and a client after the conversation is over which is not much helpful in term of customer’s voice development.

Magnify can suggest various solutions to the customer service agent to motivate customer if that customer is interested in a company’s products or service. Moreover, Magnify can also tell if a customer is unlikely to buy and suggest the customer service agent end the conversation before angering the customer. Plus, Magnify can predict when a customer will start yelling up to one minute before it occurs.

Even though, Magnify is not yet 100 percent accurate, the program really helps many companies to prevent the unpleasant event that may happen to the company and cause damages. In the near future, Magnify will be able to diagnose Parkinson’s disease and even cancer too! So, now we just wait and see how this new software program will bring benefits to everyone and how it will be developed in what way.


2 réponses à “Can Computer Software Decode Emotions Over the Phone?”

  1. I like this concept, the phone can read people’s emotions. With magnifying program on the cell phone, you can analyse your customer’s emotion and change the way you present your product presentation just-in-time before the customer is getting to annoy you. This will increase the opportunity to get more customer lock-in which is very important to many business, nowadays. And there is future plan to develop magnifying programs to diagnose Parkinson’s disease and even cancer, it’s amazingl. However, I hope this new innovation plan can diagnose the cancer even in the first state of cancer so the patient can find out and get rid of the cancer before it spreads throughout their body.

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