Catégorie : Télécommunications

  • Kinect + Nokia, how does that sound?

    At first sight the idea makes our imagination fly because we normally associate Kinect with the  Xbox,  but if we think about a mobile phone approach we can imagine a broad number of things that could become possible. This year, in February Nokia announced their partnership with Microsoft in order to equip their phones with…

  • Tags and QR codes, the new trend in mobile marketing

    One of the newest marketing tools becoming highly popular in several sectors is the use of 2D bar codes. They are like bar codes but are presented in a different format (square pixels or clusters of colored triangles), they can be read by smart phones and they represent the link to a world of possibilities.…

  • Technology Development for Saving Mobile Energy

    Since mobile phones appeared, the common problem of all phones, especially smart phones  from generation to generation is that the  user can only use the phone for one or  two days because the battery life is so short. Just imagine if we are playing games or talking with friends and we are so excited with…

  • 4G Networks, are they real?

    Nowadays many carriers in mobile industry are claiming to have 4G networks, nevertheless we should be skeptic about those affirmations and ask if that is true?, if they are ‘real’ 4G or is just a marketing trick to make us buy more expensive services and devices. In our experience and intuitively we expect from  4G…

  • A hyperconnected life

    The term « hyperconnectivity » (see below) refers to the use of multiple means of communication. For instance, if a person is using several devices and applications to be in communication it means he or she is living a hyperconnected life. This communication takes place in the cloud (Internet), where everything and anything capable of network connectivity…

  • Silent Speech Interface

    There are many rumors about the future innovation of cell phones. Many of them are just a dream while some of them are being tested and  put in use. Silent Speech Interface is one these; this technology enables speech communication without using the sounds made when people vocalize their speech sounds. On the other hand,…

  • Mobile blog test site

    Hello all and welcome to the master AIGEME of PARIS III This blog is now dedicated to mobile blogging and I will be adding mobile blogs tools for the community to test. At the moment the blog has recently been upgraded to Word Press 3 and is using WP tap for mobile web pages. For…

  • Google Street View : les Japonais n’aiment pas être filmés

    Le Japon, pays auquel on doit la démocratisation de la photographie de haute qualité, refuse de servir de cible aux caméras de Google Street View. Du moins, dans leur état actuel. Alors que les caméras de la section cartographie de Google Street View sillonnent le monde entier, pays après pays et région après région, les…

  • Dix fois plus d’internautes français en dix ans

    Médiamétrie vient de présenter un bilan d’une décennie d’utilisation d’Internet en France. Quantitativement, il montre un décuplement du nombre d’internautes mais aussi une homogénéisation des usagers du Web, entre les hommes et les femmes, les jeunes et les vieux ou parmi les catégories socioprofessionnelles. Entre 1999 et 2009, le nombre d’internautes en France est passé…

  • Une mémoire informatique gravée pour un milliard d’années

    En glissant une minuscule particule de fer à l’intérieur d’un nanotube de carbone, on peut enregistrer une information binaire qui résistera au temps. Cet exploit de laboratoire répond à un problème majeur : comment assurer la conservation des données à très long terme ? Que trouveront les archéologues du futur, d’ici quelques siècles voire quelques…