Catégorie : Société de l’information

  • Planned obsolescence: your phone is designed to fail !

    Planned obsolescence: your phone is designed to fail !

    Your cell phone battery needs recharging twice a day. Your iPhone 4 won’t be updated to the latest OS. Your phones bugs for no reason. The volume rocker no longer rocks.  The list of little niggles and inconveniences associated with that bright shiny wonder bought only a year or so ago continues to grow. Is…

  • Reality mining, the technology which will change our lives.

    Reality mining, the technology which will change our lives.

    Have you heard of Reality Mining? Born out of an MIT academic projet at the turn of the century, Reality Mining is the collection and collating of  machine-sensed environmental data through mobile devices with a view to better understand and predict human behaviour and social interactions.  In a recent book on the subject called  Social…

  • How far will we go?

    How far will we go?

    Aldous Huxley: Technological progress  has  merely  provided  us  with  more efficient  means for  going backwards. You might think that  there are already applications for everything but there are not. So just how far can apps go? Certainly, there are lots of applications which look ridiculous and which raise many questions like, ‘Do we really need…

  • Biometrics: fingerprint recognition coming to a smartphone near you

    Biometrics: fingerprint recognition coming to a smartphone near you

    Over the last few years we have seen on some Windows laptops, biometric sensors that recognize fingerprints.  But if we are to judge by the forums users frequently have problems  and more often than not they disable recognition. Will it be any different for  smartphones companies who are attempting similar biometric checks?  There is certainly…

  • Is your boyfriend or girlfriend cheating on you?

    Is your boyfriend or girlfriend cheating on you?

    …its easy to know with mSPY !! Has your boyfriend or girlfriend received mysterious phone calls and refused to answer your questions about them?  Have they been acting overly-cautious  about their cell phone privacy? Have they recently  changed their passwords on gmail and Facebook ? Any or all of these are likely to make you…

  • Your phone’s nose knows (or will do soon) !

    Your phone’s nose knows (or will do soon) !

    Many  web-addicts fell for Google’s recent April Fool  the “Google Nose”, an application which would employ ‘photo-audio-olfactory sensory convergence‘ to search for smells! But while the idea caused a lot of amusement, it is not such a far-fetched concept as it once was and some serious studies are being undertaken all over the world to augment…

  • Spotted, You’re on Highlight!

    Spotted, You’re on Highlight!

      A lot of people are worried about how Smartphones are now being used. Their worries come  especially from localization and personal data saved on the Internet. In fact, one cannot be sure of what the internet has saved about a user, and what data can be used by who. Take Highlight, for example. It…

  • Mobile apps: mirrors of your personality or reflections of our Society ?

    Tell me what you use and I will tell you who you want to be ? Of course… What is interesting about cell phone use is not the technological achievement but what we can learn about people in terms of social behavior. Following the example of social games like Farmville, edited by Zynga, where people…

  • Message d’admin – Conseils d’utilisation de WordPress (2)

    – Utilisez le bouton « coller du texte simple » (le bouton à droite du bouton gérant les couleurs) et effectuez votre mise en page sur WordPress. Si vous copiez la mise en page directement à partir de Word, cela entraine l’insertion de balises parasites déformant l’aspect de l’article. – Inscrivez le titre de l’article dans la…

  • L’Eglise de scientologie bannie de Wikipedia

    Fait rare, les responsables de l’encyclopédie communautaire ont décidé de bannir l’Eglise de scientologie du site internet. Plus précisement, des centaines d’adresses IP attribuées à des « éditeurs » de l’Eglise de scientologie n’auront plus accès à Wikipedia. En effet, après une bataille de près de 6 mois, le comité de régulation de Wikipedia, huitième…