Could nanotechnology become the next technology to revolutionize the mobile phone industry?

Could nanotechnology become the next technology to revolutionize the mobile phone industry?

The mobile telephony is changing rapidly. We just have to look around and see how far the technology has gained representation touch in our day to day.

Launched at the exhibition of the Museum of Modern Art « Design and the Elastic Mind », the Morph concept device presents a leap into the future of the mobile telephony, and this is being explored by Nokia Research Center (NRC) in collaboration with the Centre Cambridge Nanoscience (UK)
Nanotechnology has a lot of advantages, because the materials and components can be flexible, elastic, transparent and tough. Moreover, the use of biodegradable materials might make production and recycling of devices easier and environmentally friendlier. The new devices includes self-cleaning process and incorporate solar power to charge the battery in the same way, they become smaller, more durable and faster to load. And all of these new capabilities will unleash new applications and services that will allow us to communicate and interact in unprecedented ways.

For the moment, the big project seems impossible to completely implement, but the manufacturer believes that some of the device’s imagined features could appear in high-end devices by 2015.


Une réponse à “Could nanotechnology become the next technology to revolutionize the mobile phone industry?”

  1. Nanotechnology is always play an important role such as nanobot that can be use in medical treatment. However, it would be good to see this kind of technology appear in the form of cell phone. The technology allows us to make a good use for cell phone, you can carry it anyway like it was one of your accessories or even change its form into a smaller one and then keep it in your pocket. Besides, the design is so cool.

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