A hyperconnected life

The term « hyperconnectivity » (see below) refers to the use of multiple means of communication. For instance, if a person is using several devices and applications to be in communication it means he or she is living a hyperconnected life. This communication takes place in the cloud (Internet), where everything and anything capable of network connectivity will use this highway, regardless its characteristics (manufacturer, communication protocol, operating system, etc.) Since communication went mobile with the introduction of portable telephones, the number of mobile users keeps growing every day, and for all relevant suppliers to keep the market growing innovations in existing or non-existing fields are introduced faster every time. The most compelling drivers that boost the market are “mobility” and connectivity whether it is to target business or consumer customers. When it comes to mobile devices capabilities and capacities there is a wide range of products to satisfy almost any need, while it seems the more applications available for each of them the more success it will have in the market.

Focusing on mobile usage, the level of dependability of individuals in such devices is continuously increasing if someone was to lose his or her phone they will be losing a part of them. According to Microsoft Tag the mobile market is currently comprised by 4 billion mobile phones from which 1.08 billion of them are smart phones, which means internet connectivity capable. Internet usage projections predict that mobile internet users will surpass desktop ones by 2014. Also, among the top 10 usages of mobiles we have games, social networking, music, entertainment, and video which if done online result in higher bandwidth demand.

Putting all this trends together service providers and operators are expected to provide higher bandwidth and compatible communication means, since communication is happening between a wide range of devices and applications that increase the complexity of connectivity.

Hyperconnectivity happens every day, it enables different type of communications, person-to-person, person-to-machine and machine-to-machine that is embodied in a constantly growing network where everything converges.

While this network keeps integrating new and better means of communication, there is an inherent collaboration between all of them that demands some sort of unified communication in this hyperconnected era.


  • http://www.nortel.com
  • http://www.gfktechtalk.com
  • http://tag.microsoft.com

[1] Hyperconnectivity is a term invented by Canadian social scientists Anabel Quan-Haase and Barry Wellman, arising from their studies of person-to-person and person-to-machine communication in networked organizations and networked societies.

Une réponse à “A hyperconnected life”

  1. I like the article because I think we actually are living in a « hyperconnected » world because we used our mobile phones as an important way of communication (voice calls, SMS, blogging, social networking, etc..) and that’s why should think about the implications of this type of modern ways to express ourselves. I think we will get more and more familiar with « hyperconnectivity » term in the near future.

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